
The Happiness Trap: Why wanting happiness will make you suffer

The Happiness Trap: Why wanting happiness will make you suffer What a bold and contrarian title, you just enjoy going against the grain… Maybe just a little, still, I would love if the quest for happiness is “beneficial”. I don’t believe so. It seems to me that most people in the west follow in this

The Happiness Trap: Why wanting happiness will make you suffer Read More »

Tabletop Roleplaying Games: experiments in morality.

Tabletop Roleplaying Games: experiments in morality. I probably need to start with explaining what tabletop roleplaying games (TRPG) are. Aren’t they those things those played by NEEEEEEERDDS ???!!! Well, uh, yes. But So does make you a NEEEEEEEERD???!!! Is this really necessary? Yes, I need the reader to understand that you’re a… NEEEEEEERD !!!! Congratulations

Tabletop Roleplaying Games: experiments in morality. Read More »

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