Vampires are real

I met a vampire. I’m serious. This is no joke. This is all very real. Before discarding this and moving on with your life, Please read this. It could save your soul.

I’m taking a great risk sharing this. Please read this with all the seriousness that it deserves.

For obvious reasons, I will change details of the story. I don’t want to attract the vampire’s attention.

What you need to know is that I met her in a particular situation. I can’t go into too much detail. All I can say is that it was a situation where I was forced to be in for a certain period of time. It was a situation where everyone present didn’t know each other.

I won’t reveal my age and where this all happened. You just need to know that I chose to be there and that I had some responsibilities and tasks to do. It was the same for the other people and most people didn’t know each other.

I should add that most people were happy to meet each other. It was the case for me, I was happy to meet new people. It was an added bonus to the situation. It made everything easier. Now that I think about it, it made everything too easy.

As you know, when you have a group of people coming together, you’ll have the different social types: The extraverted, the happy go lucky ones, the smiling ones, the ones who talk loud, those who are peaceful, etc.

I was with the shy & lazy group. We didn’t interact much with everyone and we did what was expected of us, but not more than was necessary. We were taking our fun where we could without disturbing the flow of everything.

I met some great people there, people I’m still friends with to this day. It was a great experience.

But this is an article about vampires, not about making friends.

I should start with my first interaction with her.

One day, one of the popular women came into our group. She was charming, with a great and friendly smile, deep eyes with a tinge of sadness in them.

After her charming formalities, she started sharing her problem. She was looking for help to solve it.

Now that I think about it, she always had problems. All the vampires do, that’s how they get you. You feel pity for them, you feel like you must help them and you’ve become their puppet.

I should explain how she works. You know how some people are great storytellers? They can tell any story, real or fictional, and make it super epic and funny? But when you, the normal person, try to tell it, you just can’t do it?

Well, she was the same but with her life’s problems. Whenever she talked about her problems, I remember feeling an intense sadness and pity that gripped me to my soul.

Even now, when I think about that first meeting, I can still feel the sadness and despair gripping my bones.

That fateful day, I was talking with one of the lazy shy group, let’s call him Jim.

This was her problem: She explained how she wouldn’t be able to come tomorrow. It was about something stupid like some lost keys. But the way she told it, I almost cried for her. I just needed to help. I felt so bad, because I couldn’t. I didn’t have a car.

But Jim did.

I felt so sad, like an intense weight was put on my shoulders. He could help her, but I couldn’t. Luckily, she had the right words to soothe me. It wasn’t my fault that I didn’t have a car. I felt better, she was right.

I felt the urge to offer my help if she needed anything else. Her smile warmed. She said she was going to think about me whenever she needed any help.

We continued talking for a bit. Then it happened, they left together, without me. I was all alone. It was the first time that I felt alone at that place.

Whenever I think about that first encounter with her, I thank god. If I’d had a car, I could’ve ended up like Jim.

Fast forward a few days, Jim ended up becoming her taxi driver. Why was he still driving her everywhere? It was supposed to be a one-time help from Jim, right? I distinctly remember this her saying this, right?

I never learned why. I could’ve asked Jim, but he didn’t have time for me anymore. He followed her everywhere. He was a part of the popular people now.

I mentioned that we all had responsibilities at that place. Jim used to be lazy, but he started to work more, a lot more. I was surprised when I overheard a conversation. They were furious. Jim wasn’t performing any of his tasks.

I couldn’t understand, I saw him, he was doing a lot of work. It’s only later that I learned, when they confronted him.

Jim was doing HER tasks, they were pissed off. There was this big confrontation. They screamed at Jim then at her, then back at Jim. Everyone screamed. The anger was palpable. It was bursting. No one was safe.

But she just stood there. She waited with her deep eyes, looking at them, waiting, biding her time.  Maybe she was exhausting them before going in for the kill? I’ll never know.

When everyone was out of breath, she started to speak. The sadness and embarrassment in her voice was palpable. It moved everyone. Her story made sense. Even I started to understand why she couldn’t do her responsibilities. Jim had to help her. Jim was a hero for helping her.

It was so convincing, but if you’d ask me now, I couldn’t tell you why. I don’t remember a single word of what she said. I just remember that it all made sense.

I thank god every day that I didn’t interfere, I thank god for my shy laziness. If I had been more involved, I could have become like them.

Days passed, and all those who challenged her, became part of her crew. They became her servants. They started dropping their own responsibilities.

You have to realize that I have the benefit of hindsight. This is me now, in the present time, telling you this, because at the time, whatever she said made sense. I must also have been under her spell.

As each day passed, the more her empire grew, the more favours she received and the more monolithic they all became.

Monolithic, because when I started there, all people were different. They had attitudes, clothing, goals, personalities, etc. But as each day passed, all her servants became more and more alike. They all shared the same goal: protecting and helping her.

I hate to admit that I might have been her servant, I occasionally helped her as well. But I was lazy, so she never asked too much from me. Thank god for my laziness.

I can’t really translate it into words how she did it. Because from the memories that remain, I can say that her problems were trivial. It was in the way she presented them, you could feel her anxiety, her sadness, her anger, her despair, etc. Her emotions overwhelmed you, like a slow and patient river destroying a dam by slow erosion.

It all felt so true. She really was suffering and I had to help her.

I felt so sad when I had to leave. I felt like I was letting her down. Like she couldn’t survive without me and my help. I thank God every day that I couldn’t stay longer.

Years later, I saw on the facebook group that she became the official leader there.

I don’t know if it was the distance or the fact that it was so long ago, but the announcement of her nomination as leader, I remember thinking:

–          This is a bad decision. She didn’t do anything, she never helped at all and she didn’t know anything at all. Why the hell would they choose her?

Still, at that point, I didn’t care, it was all too far away and I was never going back.

I forgot about it.

Years passed. I grew, got older.

Until, she calls me. She wants to meet:

–          Hey François, Remember me? I’m calling because I need some help, I-

As she’s saying all of these, I start to feel the effect of her voice on me. I can feel it affect me already.

But something is there for me. Call it fate, destiny or God, call it whatever. Something holy is helping me.

I realize that I left tv on. I must have forgotten about it. So weird, I  never forget to shut off the tv. She’s speaking, but the movie on the tv is getting louder than her voice. I have to look at it.

I look at the screen, and just when I look, the title appears: Interview with a vampire.

A sign from God.  All the pieces fit together. She’s a vampire. I have to flee. I must end it:

–          It will only take a second, she says

–          What is it you want?

–          It’s best I tell you when we meet.

–          Can’t you tell me now?

–          Sure but it will also be a great way to hang out and catch up.

–          It’s just that I’m going to be a father again and-

–          Congratulations ! Now I have to see your baby

I have to protect my daughter.

–          She’s sick at the moment.

–          It’s okay, I can handle it.

What a suspicious answer, right? Who can resist babies’ illnesses? vampires?

–          Jim told me where you live, I’ll come tomorrow. I won’t stay long. I’m so happy to meet your family.

She hangs up. God is on my side, my family isn’t at home tomorrow. But wait maybe that’s why she wants to meet me tomorrow?

It doesn’t matter, I have to protect my family. I run out, get in the car and go to the superstore. I buy all the garlic and all the silver crosses that I can find. I buy some wood. I go home, get out my tools and create a wooden stake and stitched it to another piece of wood to make it into a crucifix.

I’m ready. I hear an inner whisper: The prayer. Buried deep within my soul, I remember the words from our father who art in heaven. Hail mary, that is full of grace. I repeat them until sleep and peace takes me over.

It’s today, my family leaves. I have a few hours before she arrives. My phone rings, an email. It’s Jim. He explains that she’s campaigning and that they need my help, she’ll explain more when she arrives.

This is a warning, my job isn’t finished.

I hang everything. After hours of working, my house is full of garlic and silver crucifixes.

The bell rings, she’s there. I hang the last crucifixes and take the wooden stake in my hands.

I go to open the door. She has that smile on her face. I don’t let her talk. I turn, go in and invite her into my living room. All the garlic and the silver crosses are waiting for her. She seemed so confidant when I opened the door. She had that great smile of hers. But when she saw the stake, her smile left her face. I saw it in her eyes. She can’t work her magic on me this time.

She follows me. She sees the living room and her eyes are full of fear. She knows that she’s been discovered.

She makes up this great excuse and leaves instantly.

She knows and feels it, With the power of Christ protecting me, she can’t touch me.

Later, I received another email from Jim. He  said that she was too tired that day. He said it would be better if I came into the office.

As if I would ever willingly walk into hell !

I wrote to Jim that I couldn’t and never heard from them again.

My wife tells me that I’m crazy and that everyone would have reacted like her at the sight and smell of our house.

She doesn’t understand, she’s just complaining. I know my wife, she’s just pissed that I didn’t clean our house according to her unattainable standards. She’ll forgive me eventually. She has to.

Because this is a holy war that we’re fighting, I can’t let it stop here.

This vampire is campaigning and using her demonic powers to rise to the top of our society.

And she isn’t alone, I met other vampires in my life. They need to be stopped.

The stop needs to start somewhere and it starts here, with this article.

Remember: the greatest trick the devil and his vampires ever pulled, is convincing the world that they don’t exist.

You, reading right now, whoever you are, you need to develop the capacity to recognize vampires and stop their actions.

Do you hear a person complain about something that is a trivial problem? You have one indication that they might be a vampire.

Do you notice that people around that person rearrange their lives to make the life of that person easier? You have another indication of a vampire.

And finally, When you explain to the people around this person that the person’s problems are trivial , do they react by attacking you or saying you don’t understand their suffering? You have another indication that they might be a vampire.

If you’ve answered yes to all three questions, it’s most certainly a vampire.

Always protect yourself with Christ when investigating them.

You might doubt what I’m saying, you might think that you can deal with a vampire using rationality. IT WON’T WORK !

If you propose easy solutions to their problems. They’ll say they don’t have time. They’ll say they don’t have the energy. They’ll say that they’re doing their best.

What they’re really saying, is that they want YOUR energy, YOUR time and YOUR hard work.

Realize that the people supporting them will always find excuses for them. They will always have reasons for supporting and enabling them.

The greatest power of the vampire is identification. They can project suffering that people will identify with. Those protecting the vampires unconsciously feel like they’re helping themselves when they’re helping the vampires, that’s why they’re doing it.  They will never realize it of course, because the vampire will never let them.

Vampires lie. It always starts with a small little thing:

–          Oh, please just help me this one little thing and every one of my life’s problems will be over indefinitely and I will love you indefinitely from the bottom of my heart.

Don’t. Believe. Them.

They’re trying to ensnare you and if you believe and empathize with them, you’ll be trapped forever.

If you were wondering, Yes, she won her campaign. We have another vampire in a position of power.

So I hope now that you understand the gravity of the situation. They are everywhere taking advantage of us.

The world needs to know that vampires exist and you must help.

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